Eliminators Full Movie Part 1

Eliminators Full Movie Part 1

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Spook Central - "Ghostbusters" Movie Script. GHOSTBUSTERSFinal Film Transcriptoriginal script by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramistranscribed by Adam Bertocci. Outside New York Public Library. Eerie music. Pigeons fly from the steps. New York Public Library, reading room. ALICE pushes a cart of books.

New York Public Library, basement. ALICE brings some books down to the basement of library. As she walks along, a few books float to other shelves. When she turns around to investigate, nothing happens. She makes some notes on a pad and passes a card catalog.

The drawers slide open, spilling cards all over the place. She screams and runs. She runs through the shelves. Comes to what must be the ghost; she screams. Her hair blows back. Ghostbusters logo dissolves onto screen. Music: Ghostbusters.

Liberty Records Discography, Part 1 By David Edwards and Mike Callahan Last update: April 26, 2003 The Liberty logo and label graphics have changed several times. Yugi Muto, also romanized as Yugi Mutou is the protagonist of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series.

Columbia University. Main title pops up. Ghostbusters theme keeps playing. We see people going in and out of the building. Corridor outside Paranormal Studies Laboratory. We hear DR. PETER VENKMAN giving the ESP test.

On door: "Dr. Egon Spengler Dr. Raymond Stantz Dr. Peter Venkman Venkman burn in hell Maid please make up this room as soon as possible"Inside lab. PETER gives ESP test to MALE STUDENT and JENNIFER.

MALE STUDENT is hooked up to electrodes. PETERAll right, I'm going to turn over the next card. I want you to concentrate. I want you to tell me what it is.

MALE STUDENTSquare? PETERshowing him card and shocking him.

Good guess, but wrong. JENNIFERClear your head. All right, tell me what you think it is. JENNIFERIs it a star? PETERIt is a star! Very good. That's great.

MALE STUDENTAll right. Think hard. What is it? MALE STUDENTCircle? PETERshowing him square and shocking him.

Ooh, close, but definitely wrong. MALE STUDENT's gum shoots out of his mouth. He puts it back in and keeps chewing. PETER holds a plus sign card up for JENNIFER. Okay. All right. Ready? What is it? no answer.

Come on. JENNIFERFigure eight. PETERpretending to be astonished. Incredible. That's five for five. You can't see these, can you? JENNIFERNo, no. PETERYou're not cheating me, are you?

JENNIFERNo, I swear, they're just coming to me. PETERto MALE STUDENTOkay. Nervous? MALE STUDENTYes.. I don't like this. PETERDon't worry, you only have seventy- five more to go. Okay, what's this one?

MALE STUDENTA couple of wavy lines. PETERwho wants to zap him just for fun. Sorry! This isn't your lucky day! MALE STUDENTI know. I - PETER reaches for the little lever. JENNIFER seems amused, so PETER winks to her.

MALE STUDENT stumbles over some words before PETER zaps him. Hey! I'm getting a little tired of this! PETERYou volunteered, didn't you?

We're paying you, aren't we? MALE STUDENTYeah, but I didn't know you were giving me electric shocks! What are you trying to prove here anyway? PETERI'm studying the effect of negative reinforcement on ESP ability. MALE STUDENTThe effect?! I'll tell you what the effect is!

It's pissing me off! PETERWell, then maybe my theory is correct! MALE STUDENTripping electrodes off hands. You can keep the five bucks, I've had it! PETERI will mister!

JENNIFERYou may as well get used to that, that's the kind of resentment that your ability is going to provoke in some people. JENNIFERDo you think I have it, Dr. Venkman? PETERYou're no fluke, Jennifer. DR. RAYMOND STANTZ enters the room, all in a flurry. RAYgrabbing stuff off shelves. This is it! This is definitely it!

Did those UV lenses come in for the video camera? And that blank tape? I need it. The one you erased yesterday. Watch The Guard Online Free 2016. PETERto JENNIFERCan you excuse me for a second? JENNIFERSure. PETER runs to RAY, jumps up and smacks him on the head.

PETERI'm right in the middle of something, Ray! Ah, I need a little more time with this subject. Could you come back in an hour, hour and a half? RAYPeter, at 1: 4. PM at the main branch of the New York Public Library on Fifth Avenue, ten people witnessed a free floating, full torso, vaporous apparition.

It blew books off shelves from twenty feet away and scared the socks off some poor librarian! PETERI'm very excited. I'm very pleased.

I want you to get right down there, check it out and get back to me. RAYNo, no. PETERGet right back to me..

RAYYou're coming with us on this one! Spengler went down there and took PKE valances. Watch Playing By Heart Tube Free more. Went right off the top of the scale.

Buried the needle! We're close on this one. I can feel it! PETERI can feel it. We're very, very close. JENNIFERI have to go now, Jennifer, but I'd like to work with you some more. Perhaps you could come back this evening, say at - JENNIFEREight o'clock?

PETERI was just about to say eight o'clock! You are a legitimate phenomenon! Outside New York Public Library. PETER is yelling at RAY all the way there. PETERAs a friend I have to tell you: you've finally gone round the bend on this ghost business.

You guys have been running your ass off meeting and greeting every schizo in the five boroughs who says he has a paranormal experience. What have you seen? New York Public Library, reading room. RAYOf course you forget, Peter, I was present at an undersea, unexplained, mass sponge migration. PETEROoh, Ray, those sponges migrated about a foot and a half.

DR. EGON SPENGLER is under the table, listening to it with a stethescope. PETER runs over to him and speaks in a zombie voice. Egon.. EGON is puzzled.

PETER raps table with knuckles, then slams it with a book. EGON is starled and jumps up. EGONOh, you're here. PETERYeah, what have you got?

EGONThis is big, Peter. This is very big. There is definitely something here.

PETEREgon, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head. You remember that? EGONThat would have worked if you hadn't stopped me. LIBRARY ADMINISTRATOR walks up to the three. LIBRARY ADMINISTRATORI'm Roger Delicore. Are you the men from the university?

PETERintroducing them all. Yes. I'm Dr. Venkman.

Dr. Stantz, Egon. LIBRARY ADMINISTRATORThank you for coming. I hope we can clear this up quickly and quietly. PETERLet's not rush things. We don't even know what you have yet. They go to a smaller room.

ALICE is lying on a table. ALICEI don't remember seeing any legs, but it definitely had arms because it reached out for me. RAYArms?! I can't wait to get a look at this thing! PETERAlice, I'm going to ask you a few standard questions, okay?

Have you or any of your family ever been diagnosed schizophrenic, mentally incompetent? ALICEMy uncle thought he was St. Jerome. PETERI'd call that a big yes.

Uh, are you habitually using drugs, stimulants, alcohol? ALICENo! PETERNo, no. Just asking. Are you, Alice, menstruating right now? LIBRARY ADMINISTRATORWhat has that got to do with it?

PETERBack off, man. I'm a scientist. EGONRay, it's moving. New York Public Library, basement. EGON is in front, with PKE meter. RAY has a video camera. PETER is in the back, bored stiff.

He starts making scary gestures at RAY. They come to a tall tower of books. RAYLook! EGONThis is hot, Ray. RAYSymmetrical book stacking, just like the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1.

PETERYou're right. No human being would stack books like this. RAYListen! eerie music. You smell something? Talk about telekinetic activity! Look at this mess!

EGONRaymond, look at this. RAYEctoplasmic residue. EGONVenkman, get a sample of this. RAYIt's the real thing! PETERSomebody blows their nose and you want to keep it? EGONI'd like to analyze it.

As RAY and EGON continue talking, PETER scrapes slime into a dish. Gets it all over his hands.

Groans and grunts. Flicks slime away. Wipes hands and feet on books.

RAYThere's more over here! EGONI'm getting stronger readings here, this way. RAYCome on. They turn a corner. PETER gives EGON slime. PETEREgon, your mucus.

This happen to you before? RAY shakes head. Oh, first time? RAY nods. They continue. EGON's PKE meter goes nuts.

They see LIBRARY GHOST. EGONIt's here. RAYA full torso apparition, and it's real. PETERSo what do we do?

Could you come over here and talk to me for a second, please? RAY by the ear. Could you just come over here for a second, please? Right over here. Come here, Francine!

Come here. What do we do? RAYI don't know. What do you think?

This entry was posted on 9/21/2017.