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Directed by Stephen King. With Emilio Estevez, Pat Hingle, Laura Harrington, Yeardley Smith. A group of people try to survive when machines start to come alive and. Our Souls At Night The movie tells the story of two widowers who've lived next to each other for years. The pair have almost no relationship, but that all changes.

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Bryan Singer Sex Abuse Case: The Troubling History Behind the Accusations. This story first appeared in the May 9 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. The wild parties were hardly a secret. During the mid- to late 1.

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Internet bubble was inflating, a wide swath of gay Hollywood flocked to the 1. Encino mansion that 4. Marc Collins- Rector shared with Chad. Shackley, a Michigan man in his mid- 2. Collins- Rector since dropping out of high school at 1. Brock. Pierce, a teenage actor who had appeared in Disney's The Mighty Ducks movies. Anticipating the day that programming would be delivered online, Collins- Rector was an early Internet mogul with money to spend.

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Having changed his name from Mark Rector to Marc Collins- Rector, he favored Armani suits and drove a Ferrari and a Lamborghini. With his two younger associates, he founded Digital Entertainment Network, and heavyweights from former Warner Bros.

Terry. Semel to former congressman Michael. Huffington, as well as Microsoft and Dell, wanted a piece of his company.

STORY: Bryan Singer Sex Abuse Case- - Why the Accuser Filed in Hawaii. Also among the investors reportedly were A- list director Bryan. Singer; veteran television executive Garth. Ancier; former Disney executive David Neuman, who worked for Collins- Rector's company; and producer Gary.

Goddard. Now, 1. 5 years later, a man named Michael. Egan. III has filed civil suits accusing those four of misconduct that could supply material for an especially lurid episode of Law & Order: SVU.

Specifically, Egan alleges that Singer, Ancier, Neuman and Goddard drugged him and forced him into sex at parties in Encino and Hawaii - - starting when Egan was only 1. All have denied the allegations vehemently, with Singer calling them "outrageous, vicious and completely false." Singer denies he was in Hawaii at the time the alleged assaults occurred, and Ancier says he "never so much as set foot on the estate in Hawaii." The alleged events in Hawaii are key to Egan's cases because of that state's favorable statute of limitations: It seems clear the defendants hope to get the cases dismissed by establishing they were not present when the alleged acts occurred. So far, no witnesses have come forward to corroborate Egan's accusations regarding any of the four.

But the idea that underage boys were drugged and raped at the Encino estate, and sometimes threatened with guns by Collins- Rector, is hardly new. Watch White Noise 2: The Light Online Free 2016 on this page. Egan was one of several young men to make such allegations in lawsuits filed against Collins- Rector, Shackley and Pierce 1. Collins- Rector and Shackley by default because the trio had fled the country (Pierce reached a settlement).

Egan and other plaintiffs also named several John Does but did not include Singer or the others he now is accusing. His attorney has declined to explain why. By far the most high- profile of the four defendants is Singer, 4.

The Usual Suspects, for which Kevin. Spacey won his first Oscar, and has continued through the X- Men franchise. Singer is one of only a few A- list directors with a true fanboy following and a proven box- office track record. The first two X- Men movies combined to gross more than $7. Now, thanks to unwanted attention brought by the Egan lawsuit, Singer has withdrawn from media events for X- Men: Days of Future Past, set for release May 2. Singer long has been known to have an affinity for a certain type of man. Bryan's always had a reputation of being with guys that look young," says a high- level studio executive who oversaw one of the director's big comic- book movies.

Whether they were underage or not, I have no idea. But] for 2. 0 years he's had young guys around him, whether they're assistants or friends.

However they were described to you, they were always around."But as several industry observers note, Singer is hardly the only Hollywood figure, gay or straight, with wealth, power and an eye for pretty young things. Come on - - that's a time- honored tradition in this town," says a producer long acquainted with Singer. He adds that the allegations are nearly impossible to believe, saying, "I've only seen a very gentle side of Bryan."STORY: Bryan Singer Breaks Silence on Abuse Claims - - 'Outrageous, Vicious and Completely False'According to Singer's attorney, Martin. Singer (no relation), his client consistently has been careful to avoid entanglements with underage partners.

Any time Bryan has a party, he makes certain and is very careful that there is a strict guest list," Martin Singer tells THR. He checks IDs, no minors are drinking, and there are off- duty cops as security."What is undeniable is the stench that arose from the long- ago parties in Encino. In suits filed against Collins- Rector, Shackley and Pierce in 2. Egan and several other young men alleged they were "sexually and physically abused," "forced … through coercion or subversion to consume controlled substances and/or prescription drugs" and "threatened with physical injury and economic harm." They cited a list of drugs allegedly pushed on them, including "Valium, Vicodin, Xanax, Percocet, marijuana, hashish, Ecstasy and Rufinol" - - the date- rape drug. It is unclear exactly how Singer first made contact with Collins- Rector, but many in Hollywood and beyond clamored to do business with his Digital Entertainment Network.

He made a big splash because he had lots of money and was willing to spend it," says a former DEN executive. He was also in the right place at the right time with the right idea. Companies with worse ideas were going to IPO left and right and generating enormous sums of money for investors."It seemed no one, including some who worked with him closely, quite knew where Collins- Rector came from or his real age.

But he had tech cred and money from a company called Concentric Research that he founded in 1. Based in Bay City, Mich., it allowed computer users to avoid long- distance charges when dialing electronic bulletin boards - - precursors to online chat rooms.

It was through such a bulletin board that Collins- Rector befriended high school student Shackley, who dropped out to move in with Collins- Rector and join his company. Still, Collins- Rector continued to connect with boys on bulletin boards, including a 1. New Jersey who later said he was hired in customer service at Concentric and flown by Collins- Rector to Michigan and California.

In 1. 99. 5, Collins- Rector and Shackley made millions from selling a controlling interest in the company. Two years later, they settled in the Encino house, which they bought for $2. DEN raised money and began to hire executives, compensating them lavishly. At 1. 7, Pierce was making $2.

Neuman left Disney to become DEN's president, with a salary of $1. Gary. Gersh and John. Silva were brought in to start a record label, each making $6. AUDIO: Bret Easton Ellis Says He Dated Two People Who 'Went Through World of Underage Parties'It was too early, during the late '9. U. S. households had high- speed Internet. But investors swarmed to DEN, and at its height the company had 3.

Santa Monica, Marina del Rey and West Los Angeles. DEN programming never amounted to much, but one especially personal pilot was titled Chad's World - - written by Collins- Rector and produced by Pierce. Shot amateurishly at the Encino estate and featuring a young actor who later sued DEN, it tells the tale of a teen saved from his dreary world in Michigan by a gay couple who take him to live in their mansion.

Other programming was eclectic and aimed at young demographic groups, including Christian youth. Sometime after making his 1.

Apt Pupil, Singer pitched a superhero project to DEN. There had been a burst of bad publicity during the making of Apt Pupil, a thriller about a high school student who discovers a fugitive Nazi war criminal in his neighborhood.

During filming, suits were filed on behalf of underage extras alleging that Singer had required them to strip naked for hours while he shot a shower scene. Screenwriter Brandon.

This entry was posted on 8/7/2017.