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Mr. Oxygen Oxy. Sulfur - Beyond MSM! Until You Try Oxy.

Sulfur! It's Alive! Can your MSM grow like this? Vitamin companies make millions selling you cheap so- called MSM,but it has no more full crystaline life left. It has been processed and add- IT- tived to death…Twelve Year Ongoing Organic Sulfur Study Results. Mr. Oxygen's Organic Oxy. Sulfur™Created As Naturally As Humanly Possible. The Highest Potency Real 1.

Maritime. Pine- tree Lignin Sourced. Organic Sulfur Food Available On Our Planet! Join The Study! One of the best and least expensive and most results- generating oxy- products.

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Way, way beyond the ordinary MSM's sold everywhere. Especially the MSM's pretending to be as good as ours by copying our terms "organic sulfur" or "super sulfur" but still selling life- less products.  Not a mere MSM supplement, a needed FOOD! A biologically active form of organic sulfur found in all living organisms. Naturally found in varying amounts in raw unprocessed milk, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. Oxy. Sulfur has multiple uses and has been used by fitness enthusiasts everywhere, especially the aged who have had the longest Sulfur deficiencies. Some claim high purity level products, but Oxy.

Sulfur contains the highest purity. Natural Organic Sulfur food is mostly missing from our diets, yet is responsible for the actual permeability of our cell walls, and their ability to absorb oxygen and excrete toxins. Without natural organic Sulfur our cell walls become leathery. Our bodies also enable the transport of oxygen into our cells by using Sulfur.

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No one has enough organic Sulfur in our opinion - since it has been missing from our food due to mandated artificial fertilizer use since 1. Generations of Americans have been without enough of the 3rd most abundant element in life.

Big problem. This average person's lack of Oxygen, and Minerals, especially natural organic Sulfur, in our well researched opinion, is exactly why everybody's blood looks like the black blood in the bag on the right, instead of the oxygenated clean blood we are supposed to have, like in the bag on the left. Our bodies need and use lots and lots of Oxygen to clean themselves out continually, to digest our food, give us 9. Again, in our well- researched opinion, people get tired because their body nourishing and cleaning and oxygenating liquid flows plug up with more and more toxins as they age, and look more and more leathery.

Premature aging. Immunity failing. The average person's blood and lymph fluids are filthy. See the difference for yourself, go to the bloodmobile at the mall and look inside at the blood bags.

Look under a microscope at your own live blood color! Most people have tried getting the legendary results MSM is famous for, but were suprised after hearing all that with their personal lack of results. Hundreds of companies tried but did not suceed in getting it right. This is why ask anyone by now and hear, "Yeah, I tried MSM… Ho- hum." So MSM is for sale everywhere, but only those using beyond MSM Organic Super Sulfur Oxy. Sulfur are very enthusiastic.

Oxy. Sulfur users never have to worry about getting only mixed results - due to cost cutting, lack of knowledge, or just plain greed on the part of manufacturers or their progeny after the founder was gone."I got my MSM in the store because it was cheaper…"It's a sad, sad, tale of woe we hear all the time. THE DEAD SULFUR BLUESOxy. Sulfur ran out, So I needed some more,Loved the results, So it's down- town to the store,Proud of myself, Half the price, and two are now four. But way too much thinkin', Cause Results ain't like before,Tears fallin' like rain, an' man, it's startin' to pour!

Do you want a real living crystal Sulfur product that will grow wild when evaporated in a glass of water as above. MSM?" You choose. Which one has the real crystalline Life Force needed by our bodies and all of life to build structure?

Radio personality Tai Aguirre from The Expat show once said, "Well, I got this other one because it was cheaper." He was then told to put each in a different glass of water and evaporate them to see the difference. We didn't even get off the phone and he was. It's only been 2. Oxy. Sulfur is already growing crystals on the glass! The cheaper national brand healthfood store one just sits there! Watch Ben Collins Stunt Driver Online. That's what they do, they just sit there and do nothing to very little, because the crystaline life was squeezed, or poisoned, out of them by their manufacturers.*** They care nothing about you, they just jumped on the popularity of the name "MSM."Go with Oxy. Sulfur and you too will be yelling "It's Alive!" Your own tests will show it growing on a glass.

Cellular Matrix 1. Year Sulfur Study. Sulfur Radiation Protection? Oxy. Sulfur has the 1. Don't buy mere dead mass- market MSM products in an attempt to get missing Sulfur! Oxy. Sulfur is way beyond the same old MSM you have heard about for years, tried, and given up on. Only Mr. Oxygen Super Organic Oxy.

Sulfur comes from DMSO of 1. Lignin, and is processed to RETAIN the maximum crystaline matrix Life Force, and is guaranteed NOT to have any added Sulfur uptake blocking fillers, additives, or processing or capsulating machine packaging ease- of- flow agents. Oxy. Sulfur is worth every penny.

Lesser products sell for three times our price to make you think they're better. In comparison, our low, fair pricing is because we want you to help us and everyone else by participating in the Live Blood Matrix Study.

We want you to report all your results to us in the review section at our product ordering website: Oxygen. America. com. Or, call us: (3. Try Oxy. Sulfur™ and you let us know the difference! Imbibing this wonderful food: Try taking Oxy. Sulfur daily at a minimum of 2 Tablespoons, twice a day, 1. It MUST be taken twice a day!

Some people need to work up to this level very, very, slowly. Too many people start trying it and say "I didn't like the way it made me feel." A classic detoxification response we have heard thousands of times for over 2. But the real sad part is that to say that they got so close - yet stopped trying it WAY before they could really understand it. Not everything is a free ride. You can't buy your way out of some things, after a lifetime of absorbing toxins every day.

Toxins must move out from under layers of body soothing insulating mucopolysaccharides (mucous) to leave. You can go back to covering up symptoms, stuffing toxins under mucous blockages, but it's far better to invest yourself in the process for a few weeks. We ask you, "Is Nature's organic Sulfur the crystal fountain of youth?" You tell us what you think after a few months of eating it daily as your body maintains and absorbs the 1. Sulfur cycle for all the millions of new growing replacement cells to bathe in. Some of the best things in life seem bitter at first, so you may experience a bitter taste when eating straight, but it's totally worth the slight bother, and only those whose bodies need it badly seem to report it as bitter. Apparently, bodies with enough of it don't need to give that warning sign?

Easiest and best tasting way to eat it:  You can put in your mouth and immediately swig some non- acid tart juice like lime and it will melt in your mouth as you swallow. Alternately, let it stand in warm - at first - water for 1.

Oxy. Sulfur™ Organic Sulfur is already in our Oxy. Watch Away From Her Online Hitfix. Earth®). A favorite way to take it is electric hand mixer mixing a bunch with lime juice in a dispenser and drinking it all day from the fridge.

The lime takes the taste away. Oxygen America guarantees you're gonna’ be happy - or your money back - IF you follow directions EXACTLY. Crystalline Flakes. No known toxicity. Dissolves in water, yet Oxy. Sulfur is safer than water.

The body naturally excretes any excess Sulfur it doesn't need. Whether you spell it Sulfur (correct), Sulphur (English), Sulfer (misspelled), or incorrectly call it MSM, (Oxy.

This entry was posted on 9/19/2017.