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A migrant typically is a person who leaves their home country and crosses borders, legally or illegally, in search of economic opportunity or betterment.

European migrant crisis - Conservapedia. See also Euroskepticism. The Libyan War and Syrian War, the legacies of President Barack Hussein Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's failed "Arab Spring" foreign policy[1] — which according to their own public pronouncements was supposed to overthrow corrupt secular dictators and establish democracies by arming and assisting anti- democratic Islamists[2] — resulted in attacks on homosexuals and women, mass beheadings, wholesale slaughter,[3] and a tsunami in excess of 6 million homeless migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and jihadis invading Europe.[4]Marine Le Pen, an immigration reform advocate, was first runner- up in the April 2. France. The disastrous "open borders" policy of German incumbent Angela Merkel earned her the title, 'Mother Terroresia', among critics and voters in Germany's upcoming September elections.

Many of 'Merkel's Muslims' wanted for crimes in Germany have fled to neighboring countries. Without consulting voters, the globalists of the European Union have encouraged unrestricted mass migration into Europe from war- torn and impoverished Islamic Republics. A "replacement population," according to liberals, will sustain the welfare state without cutting government spending in the face of declining fertility rates among the native populations. Rape has become prevelent, and Europe's social democratic government's concern for the safety of women and children has been lacking. The Swedish government has not made crime statistics available to the public since 2. Swedes and rapes committed by foreign migrants 5.

Additionally, reductions in carbon emissions and efforts to combat global warming have been used by leftists to justify Third World immigration. Many Muslim migrants have been unwilling to adapt to European culture and customs and have thus created much social upheaval as they demand that society change to accommodate them. For example, the wearing of the hijab to prevent rape, or women leaving their homes and going out in public unescorted by a male.[5][6][7][8] Some refugees have committed major acts of terror with now over 4.

The vast majority of terrorists in European countries have immigrated from the same Islamic Republics on President Trump's travel ban list. An organized clampdown in reporting is even worse than what has been experienced in the United States. European police reports and public statements of politicians often deny what many Europeans experience in everyday life.[9][1. Hate speech legislation has been used, and political correctness to censor and intimidate critics, even when material facts about Islamic lawlessness are apparent. Liberal elitist rulers have turned a blind eye to the problem and have proposed even more extreme unification policies.[1. These issues are of concern to Americans as to what may constitute the future demographic make up of European NATO troops in less than a generation, and where their loyalties and priorities lay in regards to NATO's stated mission, as well as the combat skills and training given to NATO troops. Post- Obama/Arab Spring Europe.

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Barack Obama bowing to King Abdullah, Custodian of the Islamic Holy Places - April 2. In the hope and optimism at the close of the Cold War, which some naively labeled "the end of history", former Carter administration adviser Samuel P. Huntington wrote in his book, Clash of Civilizations, that wars in the coming millennium would not be fought between ideologies like capitalism and communism, but between civilizations, and that Islamic terrorism would be the biggest threat to Western civilization.

Huntington wrote. Islam's borders are bloody and so are its innards."When the 9/1. Huntington was hailed as a prophet by some. But the US State Department was quick to tamp down the phrase mindful of the futility of winning a "clash of civilizations" against one- quarter of the planet. The Bush administration spent the next eight years isolating Islamic extremism, defined as a minority of Muslim males, 1. The leader of al Qaeda, Ayman Zawahiri. Zawahiri's uncle was the leading candidate for Caliph at the 1.

Caliphate Conference in Cairo which failed to pick a successor and re- establish the Caliphate. When Barack Hussein Obama became president he spent the next eight years denying Islamic extremism existed. Meanwhile, Ayman Zawahiri, the leader of al Qaeda, gave an interview in 2. Der Spiegel magazine outlining the global jihad: [1. The Awakening Phase” in which the West will be provoked (via 9/1. Islamic world.[1. The Opening Eyes Phase” in which jihad would become a social movement and experience a huge recruitment drive.

The Iraq insurgency became the operational center for a burgeoning army of foreign jihadis. The Arising and Standing Up Phase” which will focus on destabilizing Syria, Turkey, Jordan and Israel. Destabilizing' is also known as 'vexation operations'. The Unification Phase” which will be aimed at the collapse of the 'near enemy', the Middle Eastern secular regimes. This phase was referred to by Western media, the US State Department, and the Obama White House as the Arab Spring.

The Caliphate Rising Phase” a new Caliphate will be declared. This phase was carried out on June 2. Qaeda in Iraq, elbowing Zawahiri aside, who was in far away Pakistan, for the top job of Caliph.

The Total Confrontation Phase” in which the empowered Caliphate will use its Islamic Army to fight the unbelievers. See Rape jihad for one aspect of Islamification). The Definitive Victory Phase” in which Zawahiri claimed the world of “unbelievers” will be defeated after a two- year war by a unified Muslim army of 1. With the misfortunes facing ISIS in the face of a Putin- Trump agreement to put a stop to the butchery and lawlessness President Obama allowed to flower, al Qaeda once again is on the rise.

In late- August 2. EU counter- terrorism co- ordinator, Gilles de Kerchove, stated that over 5. Muslims lived in Europe, with up to half of them living in the United Kingdom.[1. Migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela greets Muammar Gaddafi, an ally during the Bush administration's 'War on Terror.' Hillary Clinton engineered Gaddafi's ghastly murder during the Unification/Arab Spring phase. Watch My Normal 4Shared.

At Clinton's insistence, President Obama ordered support for the jihadi rebels who then migrated to Syria to form ISIS.[1. Gaddafi warned he was the only thing standing in the way of a full- fledged Islamic movement into Europe.[1.

A migrant typically is a person who leaves their home country and crosses borders, legally or illegally, in search of economic opportunity or betterment. An asylum seeker is a special class of person who lived under a government the host country considers a human rights violator. The asylum seeker must claim a credible fear of political oppression and persecution from the government of his home country should he be returned.

Ironically, the United Kingdom has been granting political asylum to Syrian jihadis and members of the Muslim Brotherhood for decades,[1. Russia, Egypt, and others have designated as terrorist organizations.[2. Refugees generally are people forced from their homes due to the violence of war. Typically, as a humanitarian gesture, a host country may ease limitations and allow refugees to enter on either a temporary or permanent basis. Most illegal migrants currently entering Europe are claiming refugee status from the Syrian war, although many come from North and Central Africa, throughout the Middle East region, and as far away as Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Some 8. 0% of migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees lack documentation of their country of origin.[2. Points of entry. The EU's unified border patrol (FRONTEX) has been overwhelmed by the number of people attempting to enter. Border violence at entry points is increasing. To prevent organized 'push backs', FRONTEX picks up African boat refugees and brings them to Europe for processing.

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This entry was posted on 9/30/2017.